Transaction Notification

Receiving Notifications

When a payment transaction has been completed, Codapay notifies the partner's application using the “Transaction Completion Notification URL”.

🚧 By default, Coda ONLY sends notifications for Successful transactions (not for Pending or Failed transactions).

  • This is a web application URL using HTTPS and TLS 1.2 or Higher.

  • GET method with the following HTTPS parameters.

How to Configure the Address

Sandbox environment: Contact the Codapay Support Team, and request assistance configuring the URL.

Production environment: Partners can configure at Publisher Portal at any time. The direction will be Integration -> Security -> Codapay Partner Settings. It will take effect immediately.

Request Message

Optional Fields

As indicated in the call flows, it's important that partners reply to this message with either a success or failure message.

  • If the partner's application processes the transaction successfully, it should reply to Coda with the message ‘ResultCode=0’.

  • If the partner's application did not process the transaction successfully, it should instead reply to Coda with an error code.

Note that for True Money Cash Card and One-2-Call Cash Card, the point in the transaction where Coda notifies partners of the value of the voucher that was redeemed. Partner's system should interpret the value indicated in the TotalPrice parameter of the notification URL and distribute an appropriate amount of game credits that corresponds with the value of the voucher the customer redeemed. Because Coda cannot block customers from redeeming particular voucher denominations, partners are required to support the redemption of each denomination/price point in which the voucher is distributed.

After receiving Coda Completed Notify, the partner needs to reply "ResultCode=0" to inform item has been sent. Example: NotifyURL="Merchant callback address TxnId=Coda order number&OrderId=Merchant orderID&TotalPrice=Amount&PaymentType=Channel number&ResultCode=0&Checksum=xxxxx", MResp="ResultCode=0"

Callback using GET method If CODA does not receive a reply of "resultcode=0" from the partner, the retry mechanism will resend three times, once every five minutes. If the resending mechanism also fails, an email notification will be sent.

Note: Before going live in production environments, please inform Coda's Technical Support Team to configure recipients' email to receive failed transactions.

Response Message

If Coda receives an error code, we will make (up to) three additional attempts to notify partners of the transaction result. If, after these additional attempts, Coda has still not received ResultCode=0, our system will send an email to the partner's technical contact with details of our failed notification attempts.

Occasionally, processing a payment can take longer than expected. This may happen if there is a technical issue or delay at a particular payment channel. When this happens, Codapay will continue to wait for the payment confirmation from the payment channel, while redirecting the customer to the partner's Transaction Redirect URLs. When a customer reaches this page before partners have received a Transaction Completion Notification from Codapay, the partner should:

  1. Show the customer a message about “Transaction is in progress.”

  2. Fulfill the user's purchase when we subsequently send partners the Transaction Completion Notification (or, when we respond to the partner's InquiryPaymentResult() method with a success message.)

Last updated