Verify Transaction Status

InquiryPaymentResult() method

Partners can invoke this method at any time, to inquire about the status of a transaction.

We strongly recommend partners use this method after receiving the purchase notification webhook to reconcile the information between the partner's system and Coda's.

Partners should never release the purchased item to the user until 100% sure the data is fully reconciled.

PaymentResult inquiryPaymentResult (InquiryPaymentRequest request)

Request Message

Sample JSON Request

		"apiKey" : "<API Key>",
		"txnId" : "6850829481872754784",
        "needStatusFinal": "true" 


Response Message: PaymentResult Type

Sample Profile Type

"profile": {
"entry": [
"key": "PaymentType",
"value": 260
"key": "isStatusFinal",
"value": true
"key": "status",
"value": "success"

Sample JSON Response

    "paymentResult": {
        "orderId": 20230526062337,
        "profile": {
            "entry": [
                    "key": "PaymentType",
                    "value": 236
                    "key": "isStatusFinal",
                    "value": true
                    "key": "status",
                    "value": "success"
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultDesc": "",
        "totalPrice": 1,
        "txnId": 6850822175662776971

Profile Fields

Order Status Response Code

  • resultCode = 0 means the transaction was successful.

  • resultCode = 431 or 216 means the order is being paid, please check later or wait for the callback.

  • Using the new parameter "needStatusFinal": "true" to check the transaction's final status.

InquiryPaymentResult not support displaying USD prices

Total price parameter only in local currency.

Item info

Item represents an SKU. Code and Name should be unique and univocally represent the item. The name needs to be user-friendly, as it shows to end-users in the payment window.

Last updated