
E-wallet Call Flow

With the Wallet payment type, partners will receive a redirect link for the customer to complete their payment. Usually, itโ€™s either the deep link (directly opening the wallet app) or the redirection page where the customer needs to fill in some additional information and authorize the payment.

Request Message

Item Info

Item represents a SKU Code and Name should be unique and univocally represent the item. The name needs to be user-friendly, as it shows to end-users in the payment window.

Other Details In Profile Field

Sample of Request

    "api_key":"<YOUR API KEY>",
    "order_id":"<Your Order ID>",
    "merchant_name":"Koko eBooks",
    "msisdn":"<phone number>",
    "email":"<email address>" ,
        "name":"One Day",

Response Message

Other Details In Profile Field

Sample Of Response

   "txn_id": <coda transaction ID>,
   "txn_timeout": 20,
   "result_code": 431,
   "result_desc": "Please wait a few minutes for your transaction to be completed. Need Help? Visit our <a href=โ€œhttp://bit.ly/idCODAhelpโ€ target=โ€œ_blankโ€>Help Center</a>.",
   "total_price": 1000.0,
   "pay_instructions": "",
   "profile": {
        "extInfoByte": "11",
        "user_id": "12345",
        "merchantType": "Codapay",
        "payment_code": ""

Reference of USD Transactions

Please check out this guide to learn more about USD transactions.

Last updated