Carrier Billing (DCB)

Carrier Billing Call Flow

Carrier Billing MT-MO Authentication Flow

In Carrier Billing MT-MO authentication the customer receives instructions by SMS and authorizes the transaction by sending an SMS based on those instructions.

Carrier Billing MO Authentication Flow

Also in Carrier Billing MO authentication, the authorization is also done by sending an SMS, but instructions on doing so must be provided on partner's payment page.

Request Message

Sample Of Response

    "txn_id": 6648561839693172536,
    "txn_timeout": 11,
    "result_code": 0,
    "total_price": 100.0,
    "pay_instructions": "We just sent an SMS to xxxxxx. To complete the transaction, send \"PAY\" followed by five digits code from the SMS to 75457. Example: PAY 12345.",
    "profile": {
        "extInfoByte": "0",
        "user_id": "Testuser397",
        "merchantType": "Codapay"

Response Message

Other details in Profile Field

Sample of Response

    "txn_id": 6648561839693172536,
    "txn_timeout": 11,
    "result_code": 0,
    "total_price": 100.0,
    "pay_instructions": "We just sent an SMS to xxxxxx. To complete the transaction, send \"PAY\" followed by five digits code from the SMS to 75457. Example: PAY 12345.",
    "profile": {
        "extInfoByte": "0",
        "user_id": "Testuser397",
        "merchantType": "Codapay"

Mobile Operator Codes

Reference of USD Transactions

Please check out this guide to learn more about USD transactions.

Last updated